Friday, April 3, 2009

NOT sleeping through the night!

Kenadie is almost 5 months old and is not sleeping through the night yet! I am so tired! She should be sleeping 9 hours straight at this age and should not be needing to eat in the middle of the night. She wakes up so many times! The only way I can get her to go back to sleep is if I feed her. We are kind of frustrated at this point. Any of you moms out there have any tricks to get your babies to sleep through the night? I need some help!


  1. And the Scales of Justice start to balance themselves out... ;-)

  2. Don't beat yourself up too badly! Every kid is different. Treycen has always slept through the night, but Paisley is STILL up twice sometimes 3 times a night. I asked my doctor and he said to try to fill her really full with rice cereal and that might make her hold off a little longer, but some babies don't grow out of it until 12 months. Sorry sweetie, but hang in there. Just keep taking naps with her during the day - wish I could, but a 2 year old won't let that happen.

  3. Is she too young to give a little NyQuil?? J/K, I hope that she starts sleeping for you! I can't imagine NEVER getting a full nights sleep... I'm so in trouble if our first is a night owl as well;-). Oh and I really like the way that bag turned out!

  4. Sister...I'm convinced we mothers will NEVER sleep through the night again!!
    Did you guys ever get "The Happiest Baby on the Block? Take a look at that. Also..we would give Logan a "midnight" feeding around 10 pm to "tank him up." He would sort of drink his bottle while sleeping...that seemed to help. It also seemed to help keeping him swaddled at that age..both arms swaddled still. I don't know..maybe he was hitting himself in the face and waking up or something!:) Good Luck!!

  5. Hey I found your blog! Your baby is stinking cute! As for some advise I don't really have any, which is weird because it was only like 9 months ago. I hope all is well with you guys!

  6. hey becky. i found your blog through nat's. congrats on your sweet baby! i saw your pictures on ginnie's blog, and LOVED them!

    my first had colic, and was such a terrible sleeper, it was the worst 10 months of my life. but i read a book called healthy sleep habits happy child. it worked wonders. i know how it is to not get sleep, it's frustrating. hang in there.
