Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Kenadie!

I can't believe my baby girl is 2 already! Time sure does fly when you're having fun. And fun I do have everyday with her. I love this age so much.

Kenadie is obsessed with Elmo and has been for about a year. Everyday after breakfast she begs to "watch Elmo downstairs on the TV." So I let her. That's when I get a shower in. She will sit still for an hour eyes glued to that TV. She's watched the same episodes of Sesame Street and Elmo's World so much, she knows exactly what's going to happen next. That doesn't make me a bad mom, does it?!

Kenadie can say her alphabet but skips a couple letters once in a while, although she really knows every single letter. She can count to 13, and can identify colors and numbers. One thing she really loves to do is color. Color in her coloring book, on the desk with pen, or on the carpet with crayons. Thankfully we have washable crayons.

We have a card game with drawn pictures of all the prophets there ever were. We've gone through all the pictures and told her who each one was once or twice then we asked her who everyone was and she knows who they all are. I think it's amazing because Isaiah, Abraham, and Lehi all look the same but she knows the difference. And there are so many Smith's and she knows who they are. I've "played cards" with her, as she likes to call it, so many times but I still don't know who they are just looking at the pictures. Genius, pure genius!

She is trying to be independent and wanting to do everything herself. And she wants to do everything I'm diong, like cook and stir the food. She's a great helper.
Kenadie is taking after her dad in the fact that she has to eat a bowl of cereal before she goes to bed, every night. I guess that's ok since she won't eat anything else.

Here are some pictures of birthday celebrations. Sunday we celebrated her b-day with my family. Yesterday, her actual birthday, we celebrated with Marc's family. PS. my camera takes horrible pictures!
At Oma and Pa's - my parents
That movie is Elmo's Potty Time. She's been begging me to get it for weeks!

Everyone intently watching Elmo's Potty Time

At our house on her b-day - opening the card from Mimi and Nonno (marc's parents)

Isn't this THE cutest coat you've ever seen??!
Daddy is bringing her big present out....


McKinley needed to get in on the action, naturally.
This is suppose to be Elmo. This does not look like Elmo, thanks to the pencil thin mouth.
If I picked this up from the store, this would not have gone home with me looking like that, but Marc thought it was ok. Whatever.

Happy 2nd Birthday Kenadie! Love you girl!


  1. Happy Birthday, Kenadie!! We are so happy that you were born so that Kaitlyn could have such a great little friend! :)

  2. So funny how much she loves Elmo :) She knows more than most of my preschoolers do :) So happy you get to have such an adorable little girl in your life. Happy birthday kenadie.

  3. Looks like she had a great birthday. -I can't believe how big she is. Happy Birthday!
