Monday, August 10, 2009

9 months old!

I can't beleive how fast the time has gone! Kenadie is really 9 months already?!

We just got back from the doctor for her 9 month well check-up. She weighs 16 lbs, 4 oz, which is the 10th percentile; and is 27 1/2 in tall, which is the 49th percentile. She's really small for her weight but she's growing consistently so there's nothing to worry about. All around, she looks really healthy. She had to get her foot pricked so they could test her blood to see if she's anemic. She didn't even cry. She's a tough girl! She has hit her head on so many things lately but she never cries.

This is such a fun age. She has quite the personality. She makes funny faces and funny noises. When she needs me, she'll crawl to me saying, "mama, mama, mama." And I love it!

She loves to eat about anything and everything. She whines big time if we're eating and she's not eating what we have. Suddenly the baby food isn't good enough for her. She just wants to be big like the rest of us. Oh yeah, and she has 2 teeth on the bottom. The top gums are swollen so I think those teeth will try to pop through pretty soon.

She can play patty-cake by herself now. She loves it when we do itsy-bitsy spider. She can now wave bye bye. Her favorite songs are The Wheels on the Bus and Old McDonald Had a Farm.

She's now crawling everywhere and getting into everything. She loves playing on the tile by the fireplace. That won't last much longer when it gets colder outside and we have that on. She also loves to stand on the couch. She will do this weird, almost psycho, sounding cough when she is standing there. Sometimes she'll "cruise" as they say, along the couch.

She loves to play in the bath. She plays with little rubber duckies while she's in there and loves them. I swear she can say duck. Oh and she can kind of say "uh oh" when something falls to the floor.

Here are some pics from the last few weeks.

Loves to sleep with her butt in the air.

Playing with her friend Kaitlyn

Crazy hair after getting out of the bath

I am so grateful I get to stay home with her. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this girl tons and we have so much fun together!


  1. Where has the time gone? She is so adorable and those are some really cute picts!

  2. So cute! Kaitlyn sleeps the same way- I think it is so funny. That last picture of the two of you is really cute. So is the one of her in the tub. Ok, they are all really cute, but those are my favorites. :)

  3. Lovely girl. Keep those pictures coming!
