Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pictures of Kenadie

I just got some great pictures back of Kenadie. A girl in my ward, Skye, is an amazing photographer. One day she called me and told me she was teaching a friend about photography. She needed a baby to photograph and asked if she could borrow Kenadie. Skye wanted to take pictures of Kenadie?! Heck yes! I'm all over that!! So we jumped in the car and drove over there. Kenadie wasn't sure about the hats and bows we put on her head so she was mad and tried to pull them off. I didn't think they got any good pictures but apparently they did. Here are a few.


  1. Super cute!! I love Skye's work! She is even famous up here in Idaho. People know who she is cuz she is that awesome baby photographer. Kennadie is adorable and I can't believe how big she is getting! Miss you guys!

  2. I am so jealous right now, those are such cute pics!! I would love for Skye to photograph my kids, maybe someday! Kenadie is so darling!

  3. these pictures are all so cute! she really is so so cute, and i love all the headbands!
